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Be the Wave 105 Weather Kid With Lemur Landings

24 July 2013

We are delighted to be sponsoring the Wave 105 weather kids this summer.

Could your little one  be a Wave 105 weather kid?  If you’d like to try then your child  needs to be between the ages of 6 -11, have a good strong voice on the telephone and not be shy.

You will need to be at Lemur Landings play centre for 2.45pm on the day that you are chosen to record the little snippett for the guys at Wave at about 3.15. You may play at Lemur Landings afterwards or save your free ticket for another day.

If you would like to be considered please email  giving your name the name and age of your child and a contact telephone number for you and the weekdays that you could be available – between  29 th July and 2nd September 2013. If it’s easier you can say dates not available. PLEASE PUT 'WEATHERKID’in the subject line.

To say thank you you get an mp3 recording and a certifcate and limited edition badge and sign for back window of your car to let everyone know there’s a Wave 105 weather kid on board.


We're sorry the Tower Park lift to Lemur Landings isn't working, engineers have been called, but parts are required.
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