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Frequently Asked Questions

Is the centre suitable for OLDER children?

Yes, but for the safety of younger children, older children over 11 and/or those over 5’ 3” are not allowed on the play equipment.  We ask that parents/guardians of older children are particular mindful of the younger ones and that they remain on the large play frame and do not play in the areas designated for the under  5’s – they will be asked to leave Lemur Landings if they cannot respect this requirement.

Can I bring my own food?

No. All food and drink consumed inside Lemur Landings must be bought from the Café.

Do you have lockers and how much do they cost?

There are lockers, each takes a £1.00 coin, which will be refunded when you return your key.

What’s the busiest time of day?

In Dorset School Holidays or rainy days, usually session two sells out.

Are you open all year round?

We are open every day except Christmas Day and Boxing Day.

Are sessions always in operation?

Term time weekdays will have one open session running from 10.30am - 6pm. During the weekend and Dorset school holidays our usual three session will be in operation. 

Can I have a refund if I’m asked to leave?

If you break our safety rules you’ll be given a number of warnings. If you ignore these, you’ll be asked to leave and you won’t be given a refund.

Can we book with other families?

Yes, but please be advised that everyone on the same order must arrive at the same time. We can't let different groups on the same order in at different times. You will have to either wait outside until your whole party arrives or book on separate bookings. 

How many children can one adult bring in to the centre?

We are a big centre and you cannot see from one end to the other and it is on different levels.  We suggest no more than 3 under 5’s and no more than 6 over 5’s per adult. Children can become very distressed if they cannot find parents and vice versa, please make sure you know where your children are at all times.

What should the children wear to the play centre?

We recommend comfortable play clothes ideally with long sleeves and trousers.  They should be free of metal belts and buckles and any dangly bits which could get caught on the playframe and cause injury or damage.

Can I wear glasses?

We do allow you to wear glasses on the equipment, at your own risk. Please be extra careful.

Do I have to wear socks on the equipment?

YES. For health and safety reasons you have to wear socks.

Can I wear jewellery?

We ask that you don’t wear jewellery on the equipment, as it can cause damage and injury, and be easily lost.



Still got a question?

If we havent covered all your questions, don't hesitate to get in touch. 01202 740500 or


We're sorry the Tower Park lift to Lemur Landings isn't working, engineers have been called, but parts are required.
Opening Hours  