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Why Should you Visit Lemur Landings After school?

08 January 2018

Should soft play just be a weekend and holiday treat? We think not! We understand weekdays in term time are already very busy days, all with the usual household chores and the school run it can often seem like there aren’t enough hours in a day. Considering all this, visiting Lemur Landings is probably the last thing on your mind. Here’s our four reasons to why you should visit after school:

1) Down time! Parenting can be stressful! Relax, grab a coffee and put your feet up whilst the kids go off and play.

2) Dinner is sorted! Take us up on our term time only ‘Play and Eat’ offer, get a children’s meal (normally £4.95) for only £2.75 on top of your admission. The only thing you have to do is choose which meal you want, we’ll do the cooking and washing up – we truly have it all covered!

3) It’s quiet! Late afternoon and evenings throughout term time is often our quietest period - no crowds, little noise what could be better?

4) Exhausted little lemurs! It’s guaranteed your little lemurs will leave tired after all the playing and climbing they would have done. They certainly won’t complain about going to bed!

We're sorry the Tower Park lift to Lemur Landings isn't working, engineers have been called, but parts are required.
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